APOLLO 13: Mission Control 

APOLLO 13: Mission Control

“It might just be the most unusual show in the universe”

Sky News Australia, Sydney Opera House Season, 2010


Trapped 200,000 miles away from earth, three astronauts fight for their lives. An explosion has ripped through their spacecraft and they are quickly running out of oxygen, power and sleep. As the world waits helplessly, the elite staff of NASA’s Mission Control are desperately trying to find ways to bring the crippled ship home. But only the slightest error will condemn these men to death in the vast vacuum of space.

APOLLO 13: Mission Control retells this incredible story of human endeavour but puts the audience right in the centre of the action. In a detailed replica of Mission Control audience members sit at working computer consoles with real problems to solve and lives to save. It’s a team-based effort - audience members of all ages get to experience the very real adrenaline of saving people’s lives.

APOLLO 13: Mission Control is one of the world’s most advanced truly interactive theatre experiences.

APOLLO 13: Mission Control has been presented over 200 times in New Zealand, Australia and The United States.

